What do I do when I’ve found a home I’m interested in?
Once you have found the home that suits you best, it’s time to make an offer.
Deciding what to offer is one of the most difficult decisions to make. Offer too little and you stand a chance of losing the house (particularly in a seller’s market). On the other hand, nobody wants to pay more for something than it’s worth.
I can assist you by showing you what comparable houses are selling for, helping you assess the condition of the house, and judging the type of competition you may face. Once you have decided on the price you are prepared to offer, the Realtor will draft the offer and explain the details to you.
I will communicate the offer, sometimes known as an Offer to Purchase (a legal document specifying the offers terms and conditions) to the seller, or the seller’s representative, on your behalf.
The offer can be firm or conditional.
Firm Offer to Purchase: usually preferable to the seller, because it means that you are prepared to purchase the home without any conditions. If the offer is accepted, the home is yours.
Conditional Offer to Purchase: means that you have placed one or more conditions on the purchase, such as subject to home inspection, subject to financing, or subject to the sale of the buyer’s property.